Data vault - Centralized pinner client

A Web Client to simplify the way the services provided by the IPFS Centralized Data Vault Service are consumed.




The package expose a DataVaultWebClient class that receives a Config object when it is instantiated.

The Config object has the following fields:

serviceUrl: string: the IPFS Centralized Data Vault Service url serviceDid?: string: the IPFS Centralized Data Vault Service url did. It is required if the package will be used to perform authenticated requests (Create, Swap or Delete). This field will be used to compare with the issuer of the access token. did?: string: the client did. It is required if performing authenticated requests signer?: (data: string) => string: the signer function associated to the client did. It is used to sign the challenge in the login process storage?: ClientKeyValueStorage: object that MUST implement the ClientKeyValueStorage interface. It is used to save the accessToken and refreshToken. It uses window.localStorage if not storage object provided.

import DataVaultWebClient, { ClientKeyValueStorage } from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client'

const serviceUrl = ''
const storage: ClientKeyValueStorage = myCustomStorage

// the following fields are required just to perform write operations
const serviceDid = ''
const did = 'did:ethr:rsk:0xabcdef....123'
const signer = mySignerFunction

const client = new DataVaultWebClient({ serviceUrl, did, signer, serviceDid, storage })


It returns all the content associated to a given key and did in a form of string[]

import DataVaultWebClient from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client'

const client = new DataVaultWebClient({ serviceUrl })

const key = 'EmailCredential'

const credentials = await client.get({ did, key })


It saves new content associated to the given key into the service and returns the associated id. Receives an object containing the key and the content

If the key already exists, it will add content associated to that key. Old content will still be there. If not, a new key will be created and associated to the logged in did.

If the client is not logged in yet, it will log it in prior to saving the new content, so it may prompt the user to sign the login message. Please refer to the DID Auth protocol for more information.

import DataVaultWebClient from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client'

const client = new DataVaultWebClient({ serviceUrl, did, signer, serviceDid })

const key = 'MyKey'
const content = 'this is my content'

const id = await client.create({ key, content })


It replaces content and returns the id of the just created content. It receives an object with key and content as mandatory fields. It also allows to add the id of the desired content to be replaced. If id is not provided, it will replace ALL the content associated to the key with the new content. If id is provided, it just replace the content with the given id and key

If the key does not exist, will create it.

If the client is not logged in yet, it will log it in prior to replacing the new content, so it may prompt the user to sign the login message

Without id
import DataVaultWebClient from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client'

const client = new DataVaultWebClient({ serviceUrl, did, signer, serviceDid })

const key = 'MyKey'
const content = 'this is my content'

const id = await client.swap({ key, content })
With id
import DataVaultWebClient from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client'

const client = new DataVaultWebClient({ serviceUrl, did, signer, serviceDid })

const key = 'MyKey'
const original1 = 'this is my content number 1'
const original2 = 'this is my content number 2'

const id1 = await client.create({ key, content: original1 })
const id2 = await client.create({ key, content: original2 })

const newContent = 'this is the new content'

const newId = await client.swap({ key, content, id: id1 })

const MyKeys = await client.get(key) // it will return an array containing [original2, newContent]


It deletes the content associated to the given key (and id if provided). It receives an object with key as the mandatory field. It also allows to add the id of the desired content to be deleted. If id is not provided, it will delete ALL the content associated to the key. If id is provided, it just deletes the content that matches the given id and key

If the key does not exist, will create it.

If the client is not logged in yet, it will log it in prior to deleting, so it may prompt the user to sign the login message

Without id
import DataVaultWebClient from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client'

const client = new DataVaultWebClient({ serviceUrl, did, signer, serviceDid })

const key = 'MyKey'

await client.delete({ key })
With id
import DataVaultWebClient from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client'

const client = new DataVaultWebClient({ serviceUrl, did, signer, serviceDid })

const key = 'MyKey'
const content = 'this is my content'

const id = await client.create({ key, content: original1 })

await client.delete({ key, id })

Run for development

See our repo in Github.